Monday, November 28, 2011

Answered Prayer

Back in October I got an email from Norwex asking me to contact a customer that is interested in purchasing product. I responded right away to help a woman that was looking for a new Norwex consultant that lives in her area. I was happy to do business with her, and she asked me to bring her product to the store that she works at. Pots and Paraphernalia. It is a very fabulous kitchen and decorating store.

The next month Mike comes home with a record of employment slip. This winter was going to be interesting. With Mike soon to be home collecting EI, it only made sense for him to stay home and I go to work for the winter. I sent 4 resume's out to the local Wal- mart and Home Depot type stores, hoping for anything when I came across this ad in the paper for Christmas help at Pots and Paraphernalia. I got really excited. I started to feel like going to work could be fun at a cute kitchen store surrounded by beautiful things. I got help from my family on what to do, and what to say. Let's face it. I'm the youngest of five and I secretly love to be told what to do(by them only) :) I got all lined up to go talk to my previous Norwex customer. Make a good impression on her and other staff members. They tell me when to come in and meet the owner.

I came to the store today and finally met the owner. She asked me about my availability and when I eased her worries she said "Ok, let's do this." I couldn't believe me ears! Yeah, let's do this! I start this Saturday and I'm so excited.

The more and more i think about this, the more grateful I am to my Heavenly Father for guiding these chain of events. The Lords hand is in our lives and our prayers are being answered.

Christmas Quilt

I finished it! I am actually kind of impressed with myself about how quickly I got it done. I got the Jelly Roll in August? September? Thankfully I had white material that mom had given me last Christmas to use. It was tricky finding time to do it with out Lyla eating the foot peddle and Owen climbing on my lap, but I set my mind to it and decided it was easier then it looked :)

This makes me think of the first quilt I ever made. It was a Christmas quilt as well. There is something about Christmas material that I'm drawn too. I was 12 and using my Grandma Pearl's old machine. That machine drove me nuts, but I was determined to win the fight. It was a simple little quilt, small, and I really have no idea where it is now. It was a great way for a little girl to avoid homework and make something pretty. I did a pretty good job. I made 2 more quilts after that one with help from my mom and sisters of course. The pictures you see above is the first time I cut, sewed, quilted and hand sewed the binding all by myself. I love that :)

The memories I have of sewing with my mom, grandma's and sisters are some of my best.

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Pair

The other day Mike set up the Christmas tree. He laid our lounge chair on it's side so Lyla couldn't get to the tree.

Norwex just came out with chemical free bubble bath and I was so excited to try it out. I love how well they play together :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh Baby Lyla

Lyla is 9 months and crawling, climbing up a storm. She figured out how to fall down on her bum after she climbs up the side of the couch. She's a smart mobile little lady.

Rides in the wagon are a favourite! Owen and Lyla snuggle in the blanket and enjoy the ride.
Thank you Aunt Tracey for the knitted leg warmers! So cute!
She is so happy when she wakes up from her morning nap. I love it! She even has a little bed head :)