I got tagged by Lassiecat to do "What's in your purse?".
Check out Lizzy Anne and Shannon today and see what is in there purse...and Lassiecat of course.
I literally dumped my bag and this is what I had. Superstore diapers. Why the cheapo brand you might ask? Well I refuse to spend more then I have to on poo and pee catchers. And yes there is a used diaper in my bag. Every true mom will have a squashed banana or stinky diaper at the bottom of her purse :) Then we have the wipes, extra clothes for baby, baby toy, and a motorcycle for big brother.
I have come to learn that wallets are a thing of the past. They are WAY to much fun for a toddler to get into. Plus I really like not carrying around every single card I own with me. I have the debt card, drivers license, grocery store gift card for a rainy day. Emergency soother, keys, pen, bobbie pins, lip gloss, lip liner, lip stick. I love Arbonne lipstick and makeup in general. Lastly I go grocery shopping with my latest Better Homes and Garden recipe magazine. I made this dish for a potluck i went to lately except i put bacon in it instead of pepperoni and there was nothing left when I grabbed my dish to go home. This magazine has some serious winners.
That is what's in my purse and don't forget to see what Lizzy Anne, Shannon, and Lassiecat have to share.
Have a great day!