Friday, May 21, 2010

Goals Part 2

I did a post on goals in December and I wanted to know for myself if those goals I wrote down were things that i would take seriously and do. Well here are my results. No reality TV. I can honestly say I don't watch it anymore. Canceling the cable had something to do with it but now i've figured out how to get it on the internet and i don't! Reading an hour a day. Sadly I don't do this it has been keeping me away from my $200 shopping spree darn it! Next was the eating dinner at the table. We do it now! It's really nice. Being a good missionary is always a struggle but I made up a invitation for someone to come to church and I must give it to someone! I'm almost there. I've even been doing little weekly goals that are fun. Like everyday for a whole week I must wear the brightest lipsticks I own. I loved it. Next week was go for walks and do yoga every morning. Don't get me wrong these weekly goals only lastest for a week sadly but they were fun. This week my goal has been to try cloth diapers with Owen and see if it would be right for him and our family. I found a great deal on used Victoria yesterday so today we are giving it a try and it's going pretty well. This goal has a fun and not so fun know the one...or should I say number 2. If you have any tips on cloth diapers i'd love to hear some!

1 comment:

  1. Toots that top picture on the skateboard is so cute!! Good job on the goals. I need to make a goal to wear brighter lip stick. Really, every woman does. Can't wait to see you and Owen!
