Tuesday, December 22, 2009


If anyone has taught me to make goals and then reward yourself for doing it that would be my sister MaryAnn.  Thank you Mary.  Making goals is really a fun game.  I've been crazy obsessed about goals for my new job.  How much sales i want to make in January and how many bookings i need to get from a show, packages to create, newsletters to write ect......so today i finally stepped back and decided it was time to think about the bigger picture.  Goals for my life so that i will be able to stay a good warm person and faithful member of the church.  OK so here are some goals that i'm just going to think up right now....it's the whole new years resolution thing really getting in me.  Plus since i'm writing this out for you all to see feel free to ask me how i'm doing with my goals so then it'll keep me in check :)  I have a guilty pleasure of watching reality TV and .........i've thought about it now and i need to think of a new goal because not watching so you think you can dance is not ok for me. Ok starting over.  Reading.  I'm into the 4th book of little house in the prairie....... which should not be that impressive since i started the series like a year ago and they are grade 2 reading level i think. so my official goal is to read more often. lets say 1 hour a day.  i need to read my scriptures anyway and lets face it my english skills are going down the tube. Reading it is. Next goal is eating dinner at the dinner table with Mike and Owen as a family.  It's so nice when we do it. I would like it to be an everyday thing.  Next goal is being a missionary.   We had the missionaries over yesterday and they got me all excited.  well i guess for now my last goal would have to be looking for oppurtunities to give service because i just don't ever really think about it.  I serve my family and in my church calling but actually looking for more chances to serve would be cool. Thats all for now. Merry Christmas! Oh i almost forgot. my reward if i do all these awesome things. Well i think it should be a $200 shopping spree. Yes i like it.


  1. Hey Jewels, I found your blog ( hope you don't mind) Those sound like good goals to me. I have been trying to read more as well. The dinner table thing is a tricky one but it will get easier when Owen (who is sooo cute by the way) gets bigger and you want to keep the mess at the table. good luck,

    Ashley Smith (Craig)

  2. I support you getting a shopping spree! I think we should give quarterly reports on our goals to each other because, let's face it, by Sept. or even June I completely go back to all my bad habits. Good luck!

  3. here is your goal homework: for your reading goal, be specific, go pick the amount of books you want to read, the titles, authors ects. then set a timeline; when you want to have read them by. write out your goal and put in a place you'll see everyday, write it in the present tense, ex; "On March 4th 2010 I Julianne have read 5 books, these books are (list the titles) I have done this by reading an hour each day." then go and do your duty and get reading!!!! as for the shopping spree, your grounded. 5 books does not equal 200.00 of shopping. how durst you!! if you want a reward, give yourself one or two new books you've wanted to read, but only buy them once you'er reached your goal. if you want some books to read i have a couple i really loved this past year and can lend them to you when your here. now, stop watching america's next top model right now as your reading this and go READ A BOOK!!! :)
