Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tica Tica

Here is the little Tica Tica in his iron man jammies. My family called him Tica Tica this Christmas so he would come over to them and tickle them. It was cute.
I love the helmet pictures because I have ones just like them when I was little. I think I was wear my jammies too :)
Iron Man taking a brake under the kitchen table
Here is the living room with all the baby stuff out that I now have organized and put way. I've been freaky organizing since we got back and i think i'm finally pooped.....or avoiding organizing my own bedroom..... yea i think that's it :)
I had my doctors appointment today. My doc says " wow, your pregnancy has gone by so fast for me"..... I was happy for her. I definitely am ready to have this baby any day now.

1 comment:

  1. That bottom picture!!! Oh, my goodness - too funny for words!
